Set the PokerStars hotkeys

Voice commands of PS Play ByVoice allow you to act by voice six PokerStars actions enabled by hotkeys, actions that therefore must be set and enabled by the Lobby of PokerStars.

By the Test window you can then test all the voice commands related to the Pokerstars hotkeys you have set.

In the figure the PokerStars hotkeys that PSPBV can translate in voice commands.

As you can see is possible to disable by PSPBV2 one or more of these commands, even if them are enabled by PokerStars and them can work using the keyboard.

Poor quality mocrophones: less are the voice commands enabled and less is the probability of a mistake in the speech recognition.

To set the hotkeys by the Client of PokerStars is simple:

  1. Select the Hotkeys in the Client settings
  2. Chose the action, press the key (or Ctrl/Alt/Shift+key) you want to use, Press the button "Add"
  3. Chose if send hotjeys the active table or table under mouse. PS Play by Voice will act accordingly.
  4. You can also enable / disable single hotkeys already set
  5. Obviously you must globally enable the hotkeys by the related black button if you want to use them